How Rachel Dolezal can save her career

'Who dat, who dat?' is what many comedians are saying about Rachel Dolezal. Comparisons between Iggy Azalea and the former NAACP president have been popping up all over the internet. This one tweet sums up how many people feel about Dolezal.

Comedian and senior correspondent on The Daily Show, Jessica Williams, was largely critical of Dolezal. On the show, Jon Stewart made fun of the situation and Williams spoke about how offensive she finds the controversy saying, “She didn't have to Iggy it.” Then Williams clarified, “She's worse [than Iggy]. Iggy acts black to make money, but Iggy's not fooling anyone. Rachel Dolezal just single-white-femaled all black women. We don't need oppression cosplay. We need allies, not replacements.”

Aboriginal ABC comedy writer and activist Nakkiah Lui tweeted this:

 Other comedians have been less critical of Dolezal. On The View, Whoopi Goldberg said, “If she wants to be black, she can be black,” and new co-host, Raven-Symone, agreed saying “Everybody has some type of African blood inside them.”

Fellow rapper, Azealia Banks, just finds the whole situation hilarious. although she was critical in later tweets.

Despite where you stand of the subject, here are some tips that Dolezal can follow to “get her life."

1)    Answer the the questions straight
-although Dolezal's latest appearance on the Today Show wasn't a total disaster, like the end of this interview, she still seems to be avoiding the questions a little. Perhaps it's because of the complex way she feels about her own self? However, gaining a little clarity and consistency in her answers can only help her out.

2)    Stop lying
The fact that her family members were the ones to reveal her secret mean they clearly would like her to stop lying. Rachel should try to reconnect and have open, honest discussion with the people in her life so they understand what's going on with her. Many of Dolezal's friends and colleagues feel betrayed by the false-portrayal of her race. One NAACP officer, Della Montgomery-Riggins, planned a protest to ask Dolezal to resign, but it turned into one of solidarity once Rachel did step down..
3)    Continue her work as an activist
Dolezal made the decision to resign from her position as president of the
Spokane chapter of the NAACP. Although the organization released a statement earlier this week saying race is not a qualification for holding a leadership position in the NAACP, Dolezal still withdrew. Hopefully this doesn't mean that she will stop working for well-deserved and well-needed racial justice.

Is there anything that Rachel Dolezal is doing right? Well, she can keep her hairstylist.    

-Matré Grant

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