March Madness: Indiana

As NCAA March Madness comes to a close, four elite teams are left in the pursuit to be dubbed 2015 champions. Duke Blue Devils will face the Spartans of Michigan State and the Badgers of Wisconsin will face undefeated #1 Kentucky in the Final Four being held in Indianapolis this Saturday

This late in the season the madness should be focused on the fans flooding into Indianapolis to support the Final Four teams. But, this year March Madness is surrounding the Religious Freedom Restoration Act signed by Indiana Govenor Mike Pence (R). The law allows businesses in the state to cite religious beliefs as a legal defense. Many are concerned this will allow businesses to legally discriminate against others (especially those in the LGBT community).

Since the passing of the law, many universities have issued statements sharing the NCAA’s concerns. All of the universities in the Final Four have issued statements emphasizing their values of commitment to inclusion, diversity, and equality. Even NBA analyst Charles Barkley chimed in, saying the bill is “unacceptable” and that sporting events such as the Final Four and Super Bowl should not be held in states with such legislation.

Despite all the politics surrounding the tournament, only one team will pass as the winner of this year-long race to the championship and it won't be Indiana.
-Ryan Jordan
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